Year: 2023


temperature – -225 to +15

winds: 300kmh

water: very dry , not much water

oxygen: not much (6% of atmosphere)

carbon di: (82% of the atmosphere)

electriscity wind and solar


Pollution is not good for the environment or the world so we need to try to change for good to help the environment and the ocean life 

Plastic bags can harm turtles if they are not disposed of properly. When plastic bags end up in the ocean, turtles can mistake them for jellyfish, which is a common food source. If turtles eat plastic bags, it can cause blockages in their digestive tract that can lead to malnutrition, starvation, and even death. Plastic bags can also trap turtles and make it difficult for them to swim and find food. To protect turtles, we should dispose of plastic bags correctly and use fewer of them whenever possible.

Plastic is not good for fish because if they eat enough if they get eaten the fish that ate will have plastic in them it goes on and on till the last fish gets caught and eatin by us and well have plastic in us then well pass it down for years and years till the end of the world

health fbi unit

Group A I chose group A because I’m loud and I make jokes a lot



the differences between a psychopath and a non-psychopath

psychopaths don’t think of the consequences of the decision that will happen after they do that act or thing they have done

4 inner planets known as the terrestrial planits

in order from the sun mercury venus earth mars

they have a solid surface with mountains volcanoes craters and contains


mercury is the smallest planet it’s the closest to the sun it takes 88 days to orbit the sun it has no planetary satellites second hottest planet due to having no atmosphere second densest planet


Venus is similar in size to eath second closest to the sun 225 days to orbit the sun no planetary satellites hottest planet due to its dense atmosphere of C02

rotates in the opposite direction retrograde


earth is the largest of the terrestrial planets third from the sun 365 days to orbit the sun one planetary satellite moon 70% is covered in water densest planet


mars is the second smallest fourth from the sun  687 to orbit the sun two planetary satellites Phobos and Deimos have the tallest mountain sigh of liquid and frozen water

the earth

spherical – a ball shaped

hemisphere – a half of a sphere

orbit – the curred path of a celestial

rotate – move in a circle around an axis or centre

composed – made up of

Report – marked out of 30

Aim: to light up a house with 8 light bulbs

Method: 1.  i use the last template

  1. i use 8 light bulbs
  2. kichen bed room living room bath room.

Results: 1. 1=100




  1. Make the house on PHET and upload a screenshot to your blog.(10)

Discussion:  1. What do the terms voltage, current, resistance mean? (3)

Conclusion: Did you enjoy the project? Would you do anything differently if you were to do it again? Different level? Number of bulbs? What ideas do you have to make the project more interesting?(3)

Due date: Monday 18th September. Both Project blog and Drawing.


a parallel circuit comprises of branches so that the current divides and only part of it flows through any branch

a series circuit comprises of a path along which the whole current flows through each component